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Frequently Asked Questions- Cosmetic Regulations In Argentina

Updated: Jan 8, 2022

1. How are cosmetics classified in Argentina?

They are categorized according to requirements for the confirmation of safety, restrictions for use and mode, efficacy of products in Grade I and Grade II.

2. Who regulates cosmetics in Argentina?

In Argentina, ANMAT- National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Technology handle the regulation of cosmetics through Resolution MS and AS No. 155 of 1998.

3. What is Argentina’s ANMAT harmonized with?

ANMAT is harmonized with the European Union or southern Common Market (el Mercado Comun del sur, MERCOSUR) is a trade association of five countries: Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Venezuela in which Argentina is a part of MERCOSUR.

4. What is Product Registration Process in electronic file in Argentina?

Manufacturers or importers of cosmetics authorized by ANMAT can make the admission of cosmetic products online. IT department of ANMAT grants Username and personal access Key by which the company can enter the cosmetics system and follow the steps. It comes in the Grade I type.

5. Through which platform is the request made for application certificate of free sale in Argentina?

The request is made through PLATFORMA DE TRAMITITES A DISTANCIA (TAD).

6. What are the requirements for labelling of cosmetic products in Argentina?

Most importantly, Labeling should be in Spanish language and should be in accordance with Resolution GMC No. 36/04 along with other requirements.

7. Is cosmetic business profitable in Argentina?

Argentina Beauty and Personal Care Products Market is expected to register CAGR of 7.21% during the forecast period 2020-2025.

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